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Tarot Relaxation and Grounding Exercise

Updated: Jun 13, 2019

Step One:

Sit upright on an ordinary chair, with spine straight, feet flat on the floor, and shoes off. Place your hands on your legs, palms down.

Step Two:

Take deep breaths. Pull the air first into the bottom of your lungs and slowly fill them to the top. Your stomach should expand. Hold for three counts. Exhale by pushing the air from the top of your lungs, expelling until the bottom is completely empty and your stomach pulled in. Hold for a count of three before inhaling again.

Step Three:

Continue to breathe in the same slow and careful way. On every exhalation, visualize all your cares and tensions leaving through the soles of your feet. On every inhalation, draw up revitalized energy through the soles of your feet. Picture yourself as a tree drawing up life and nourishment from mother earth and releasing the waste matter of your life. Continue to do this until you have established a regular, even rhythm to your breathing. Try to maintain this even breath for the rest of the exercise.

Step Four:

Next, as you inhale, visualize brining the vital energy or sap from mother earth all the way up through your body and out through the crown of your head, releasing it into the atmosphere around you as sparkling golden dust. Feel the sensation of well-being and health that this energy brings.

Step Five:

On your next inhalation, connect with a point of light about 18 inches above your head and draw down a ray of gold into your heart. When you exhale, this ray of gold radiates out from your heart in all directions.

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